Your AMHSSE Board
Vice President
Graham Eason
Location: 360 Portage, Winnipeg
Graham has been with Manitoba Hydro since 1988.
He works as an Asset Information Officer.
Graham is a Protection Journeyman Technician and Engineering Technologist, and has an IAM Certificate. He first served on the AMHSSE Board from 2008-2015, and began serving again starting in 2018.
Grant Wiebe
Location: 360 Portage, Winnipeg
Grant has been with Manitoba Hydro since 2003.
He works as a Technical Officer for Maintenance & Operation Engineering.
Grant is a Protection Journeyman Technician and an Engineering Technologist and has his CIM and CAM certificates. He has served on the AMHSSE Board since 2021.
Eastern Chair
Mark Sewell
Location: Stonewall Training Center, Stonewall
Mark has been with Manitoba Hydro since 1997.
He is a Vehicle, Equipment & Utility
Specialist Lead, and has Operator Driver III, and CACE Certificate. He served one year on the AMHSSE board in 2017 and was elected again in 2021.
Mark is also an Ambassador to the Manitoba Hydro Employee Fund.